Finding the right words

That’s why we’ve got your back. It all started when the two language technology researchers who founded our company developed a pioneering language structure analysis. This innovation soon found its way to the core of the world’s best-known word processing software, where it has helped millions of people correct the wrong words – and find the

right ones. Our goal has been the same from the very beginning: we want to use language services and solutions to improve communication and interaction. We combine the competence of experts with artificial intelligence to create a world that is accessible to everyone.

Utilising language capital

Language capital in companies and organisations refers to the ability to use language effectively and appropriately in different contexts. It’s a resource that helps people communicate effectively, achieve goals and successfully operate in a wide variety of social and cultural environments. Language capital can be speech and text, and organisations produce huge quantities of both every day. They are essential to building the organisation’s language capital.

Lingsoft helps its customers utilise their own language capital. We are a trusted partner for hundreds of customers in both the private and public sectors. Our roots lie in academic research, and machine learning and artificial intelligence have been at the core of our operations for several decades.

Projects keep us at the forefront of development

During its 40-year history, Lingsoft has participated in many international and Finnish projects and has thus played a key role in the development of future language technology. Participating in research projects ensures that we remain at the forefront of development, cooperate with leading experts and have a broad understanding of future trends in the language sector. We develop efficient language intelligence solutions that can be easily refined into services. Lingsoft is an experienced and agile partner that understands the values and user cases of academic research as well as the added value provided by new business and development.

Lingsoft ranks among the world’s largest language service companies

Nimdzi Insights and Slator are American marketing research and expert organisations that specialise in the language sector. They publish news on developments and business outlooks in the language services sector and provide consulting services for companies operating in that sector. Nimdzi publishes The Nimdzi 100 ranking list of the world’s largest 100 language service companies based on their revenues. Slator publishes the Language Service Provider Index, which includes nearly 250 companies. With rankings of 66 and 100, Lingsoft is the only Finnish company on these lists.

Language services produced in Finland

The Key Flag Symbol is a registered collective mark owned by the Association of Finnish Work. The objective of the Key Flag Symbol is to provide information on the Finnish origin of a product, service or online shop and its contribution to Finnish work. The primary criterion for granting the right to use the symbol is always that the service is produced in Finland. In addition, the minimum domestic content of the break-even cost of the service must be at least 50%. To be awarded the Key Flag Symbol for service, an applicant organisation must have significant domestic ownership and its management and head office must be located in Finland. Lingsoft has had the Key Flag Symbol since 2021.

A reliable partner

The Reliable Partner service indicates that our operations are transparent and we have properly fulfilled the statutory obligations. We provide our customers with versatile information to support decision-making, such as tax payment information and a Trade Register extract. The service is provided by Vastuu Group. The customer can always check the information in the Vastuu Group’s Report service.

Lingsoft Group

In addition to Lingsoft Language Service Oy, which produces language intelligence solutions and language services, Lingsoft Group includes Lingsoft Oy and Ellibs Oy. Established in 2003, Ellibs is a Finnish pioneer in the area of digital literature and an e-materials expert. The company maintains and develops the Library platform, which is used by almost all libraries and many educational institutions in Finland. Ellibs also offers thousands of fiction and non-fiction books to libraries and consumers via its own e-library.

Diverse collaboration

We have close relationships with many top Finnish and European research institutions. Our experts give guest lectures at different universities, and many students complete their first internship with Lingsoft. We co-operate on master’s and doctoral thesis topics. We participate in many “meet the industry” events where, for example, we talk about language intelligence technologies developed by Lingsoft. We also support teaching in the field by making language technology available to students, which allows future experts to test how a solution works in practice. Our partners in projects and various development projects include:

  • University of Turku
  • Aalto University
  • University of Helsinki
  • Åbo Akademi
  • University of Tampere
  • University of Jyväskylä
  • University of Oulu
  • Turku University of Applied Sciences
  • Novia University of Applied Sciences
  • Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
  • Laurea University of Applied Sciences
  • Savonia University of Applied Sciences
  • VTT
  • Turku University Hospital TYKS
  • Tampere University Hospital TAYS
  • Helsinki University Hospital HYKS
  • University of Twente
  • University of Porto
  • Radbound University
  • Üsküdar University
  • Reykjavik University
  • École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
  • Ghent University
  • Katholieke University (KU) Leuven
  • Università di Firenze
  • Chalmers tekniska högskola

We also actively participate in several language sector associations and forums: Finnish Language Service Providers (SKY), KITES (Finnish Language Cluster) and the IKITIK consortium (Information and language technology for health information and communication) are important networks for Lingsoft.