Otava Learning

Otava Learning is a Finnish learning expert and part of Otava Publishing Company Ltd. In addition to learning materials in Finnish and Swedish, an increasing amount of content is being produced for international customers. The business unit makes extensive use of Lingsoft’s expertise when translating its learning materials.
The learning materials required for an entire school level are huge entities, and some operators cannot even accept projects of this size. Business Manager Mari Kyyhkynen from Otava Learning praises Lingsoft’s ability to manage large project entities.
“There’s a lot of material to translate. Furthermore, a completed translation is not enough – we still have a lot of editing work to do after that. In terms of the whole picture, it’s important for us to stay up to date as the project progresses and we always know what is happening.
A high-quality translation is a key to the world
A high-quality translation of learning materials is essential in terms of facilitating teaching, but it also serves as a calling card for international markets. Top-level English translations are a significant investment for Learning Services, and one that supports the unit’s internationalisation strategy.
“The translated version serves many purposes. The materials are used in English textbooks, but we also utilise them when marketing learning content in other language areas. Quality English-language learning materials can open the door to new market areas,” explains Mari Kyyhkynen.
No flexibility in the school year
According to Mari Kyyhkynen, the schedule for learning materials is clear – and ruthless at the same time. Everyone knows when the school year starts, and this determines the precise schedule for the completing the materials.
“Process management is everything in wide-ranging, schedule-critical projects, and Lingsoft is outstanding in this area. Lingsoft’s customer portal is a great tool for orders, scheduling and communication: it allows us to stay in contact and we can be sure that deadlines are met. If changes occur, Lingsoft is active in terms of contacting us,” summarises Mari Kyyhkynen.
Key figures
- The first Otava ABC book was published in 1902
- Approximately 500 textbook authors produce learning materials
- Produces digital and printed learning materials ranging from preschool to adult education, for nearly all subjects, in Finnish and Swedish, selected products also in English
- Part of Otava Publishing Company Ltd and the Otava Group